You will find a full detailed description on the condition of each item on its product page - specifically in the 'Warehouse Description' tab. To make things even easier for you when browsing through our Craigmore Warehouse items, we have also classified each product into 1 of 4 categories:
Used - Like New: The item is in perfect working condition (complete with all relevant accessories), and has no damage or signs of use. There may, however, be slight wear and tear on the packaging.
Used - Very Good: The item may have had some limited use, however it is in full working condition, albeit with a few minor cosmetic flaws. It may arrive with damaged packaging or be repackaged and could be missing some non-essential accessories – please note any missing non-essential accessories will be listed in the description.
Used - Good: The item may have had some moderate use with minor cosmetic damage, however is fully functional. It may arrive with damaged packaging or be repackaged. There may be some important accessories missing and it may not be used until those accessories are purchased separately - please note that these accessories will be listed.
Used - Acceptable: The item may have clear signs of usage and cosmetic damages (scratches, dents, and worn corners or edges), but still serves its main function. The product may arrive with damaged packaging or be repackaged. Some valuable accessories, components or spare parts, may be missing and in some instances it may not be used until those parts are purchased separately - please note that these accessories will be listed.